Business stabilisation

Developing and implementing a sustainable development strategy

Uncertainty creates risk. Understanding and managing these risks enables strategic transformation to take market share from less agile competitors.

Eliminating the financial sine qua non

We eliminate financial sinusoidality, ensuring stability and predictability of financial flows. We conduct a thorough analysis of current financial processes, identify the causes of variability and implement a strategy to minimise it. We optimise the DDS to eliminate bottlenecks, reduce gaps and improve liquidity.

Increase business margins

Restore and increase business margins to industry-leading levels. Conduct a detailed analysis of all business costs to identify opportunities to reduce and optimise them. Develop pricing strategies that maximise profits while remaining competitive in the marketplace.

Order and control

We systematise and bring order to complex organisational processes, reducing the human factor and ensuring repeatability of quality, thereby increasing the efficiency of the business.

Working for you

Daniil Konev


Oleg Shmelev


Valentina Yeskova

Senior Adviser


leading specialists

Natalia Petrova

Head of ERP department

Vadim Avramenko

Head of IT department

Anton Kisner

BPMN Architect

Kirill Kushnarev

Solution Architect



Victoria Serbina

Senior Adviser

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