About us

Letter from the founder

Dear partners!

Industrial and manufacturing consultancy is an extremely thankless business, not because people don't like advice - [to be honest, that's not true at all]. The point is that any change, even if long overdue, is painful. Inevitable risks arise, the need for additional effort increases, and in conditions of chronic instability and the impossibility of predicting the outcome - nothing but the banal fear of changing for the worse or taking responsibility for risky change.

The most common phrase I hear in the first few weeks of interacting with contractors is 'that's understandable/we know/of course' and similar variations. Of course, each of you understands the nuances and individual problems of the business ten times better than any external consultant.

But, importantly, there is a significant difference between 'informed understanding' and 'knowing that a fact exists'. I would say there is a chasm between the two.

An everyday example. Of course smokers know that the tar and other things in cigarettes are harmful, often irreversibly so. On the other hand, there's hardly a mentally competent adult who doesn't know that sticking your finger in a socket can kill you.

If there is no difference in the category of knowledge, why are there avid smokers but no news reports about those who like to charge themselves from a socket?

Because there is a difference. Knowledge is nothing more than mechanical awareness of something. Understanding is the actual inability to do otherwise.

But you are probably sceptical about the example of the smoker, right? You say he is addicted, and even if he is aware of the problems, it is difficult to give up the habit, and in general the example is unfortunate.

The hell it is! It's a good example. And why don't many people redesign their business processes five times a day when they realise that the current option is clearly not the best? For the very same reason! Because of the dependence on the historically established 'proven to work' structure, the fear of making things worse, and the habit of making decisions based on their apparent correctness, with the factual basis adjusted in a convenient way for confirmation.

If I dared to give advice to executives, business owners, things would probably stay the same.

Advice is the most useless thing in the world. Those who need advice are often either looking for external validation of their actions, or simply do not want to take even minimal responsibility for their actions. 

We are not doctors to diagnose and prescribe treatment, nor are we magicians to pull profits out of a hat.

So what do we do every day?

We help you to make informed, calculated decisions while remaining emotionally and personally impartial: to rely on facts, to recognise those facts and patterns, and to apply fundamental logic to your actions.

We give you the tools - a fishing rod - and help you find a good place to catch fish, but we don't serve you a ready-made trout steak.

ERP, BI and other analytical systems are our faithful assistants, but far from the main thing - in fact, their aimless application is usually worse than their absence.

Our responsibility is to ensure that you get the best possible solution.

Ultimately, the success and reputation of our company depends on the success of the dozens and hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses whose problems we fight to solve every day.

Yours in business,
Daniel Konev.

Даниил Конев

CEO KEJI Consulting

Олег Шмелев

CEO KEJI Consulting

Ивин Ивлев

CEO KEJI Consulting

Ивин Ивлев

CEO KEJI Consulting

Ивин Ивлев

CEO KEJI Consulting

Ивин Ивлев

CEO KEJI Consulting

Ивин Ивлев

CEO KEJI Consulting

Ивин Ивлев

CEO KEJI Consulting

Working for you

Daniil Konev


Oleg Shmelev


Valentina Yeskova

Senior Adviser


leading specialists

Natalia Petrova

Head of ERP department

Vadim Avramenko

Head of IT department

Anton Kisner

BPMN Architect

Kirill Kushnarev

Solution Architect



Victoria Serbina

Senior Adviser

4 facts that make
us who we are

Multipolar logic

We are not advocates of a single solution. There are many ways to achieve the desired outcome, and one is not always obviously better than another. By considering each option, we help you choose the most appropriate tactic now, with the possibility of changing it without compromising the final strategic outcome.


Obvious solutions are tempting because they promise quick results and therefore garner support. But in most cases they do not change the situation and are palliative, not significantly postponing a new crisis. We do not accept populist solutions and are prepared to put ourselves at risk by putting the interests of our partners before our own commercial interests for the sake of long-term success.


Goal, result map, plan. Taking the right actions does not guarantee the desired outcome. The fluidity of the situation can shift the route to the final destination, so when we review the map of actions, we constantly answer the question of their expediency, keeping the focus on the end result.


We can't always help. There are times when no one is willing to accept proposed solutions, regardless of their strategic usefulness and economic justification. We don't charge for advice and work if it stays on your desk. Our conscience is worth more than losses.